Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Luna would like to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy 2010!
The real Christmas miracle was getting this shot... ;-)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November Update

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Luna was 50.8 lbs at last weeks visit and she'll turn 5 months on the 15th. In the following photos is how she spends a lot of the weekday: laying on the floor by my desk. Such a goofball!
Here she is at one of the visits to the vet. Tippy went with us that time. She wants Tippy to play with her so badly. Tippy is so beyond that.

How can anyone resist this face??

Here she is with one of the vet nurses. She loves everybody at our Banfield.

This next photo is of "puppy play time" that we have before puppy class to get out all (or at least some) their energy. Nico is in the picture. Luna is one of his many lady admirers.

And finally, this is from last week's graduation. Luna passed with flying colors! We'll start intermediate after the holidays so we don't have to worry about all the weeks of and weird schedules. Our trainer gave us some advice on things to work on until then.

Friday, September 18, 2009

First Day of School

Yesterday Luna had her first training class at Petsmart. We got there a little early so we could get her weight (30 lbs was the closest reading I could get with all the moving around) and then we got her nails trimmed. These were the only pictures I could get because I wasn't actually holding her:

She was very good for the groomer. They've obviously done this before.

Her trainer, Sarah, is great! We all talked about behavior issues we might be having and did the relaxing doggie massage. Then we worked with the clicker. First doing the "clicker means treat" and then we worked on "watch me". Next week is leash work!! I can't wait!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday Outing

We took Luna out for breakfast tacos (at Maria's Taco X-Press) and muffins (at Taste No Evil Muffins) yesterday. Ok, WE had the tacos and muffins. Luna had lots of attention from the other customers and she LOVED it!

Since the day I got her, she's such a good sitter.

Time for her close-up.

This was my favorite picture of the mid goofy puppy hop.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Making Friends

My grand-dog, Tippy, stayed with us last weekend and got to know Luna. Tippy wasn't sure at first, but Luna's constant "play with me!" attitude finally got her to come around. Here's a little video of some puppy playtime.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alabama and back - 50 hours - 1568.2 miles

Well, we did it! We made it to Alabama and back and Luna is finally home. Aside from an hour delay outside Dallas due to a turned over vehicle, the driving was pretty smoothly.

As you can see, people were standing outside their cars,
trying to get a look. We finally got into Little Rock around 12am.

Here is us going over the Mississippi into Tennessee.
We stopped for a quick lunch in Corinth, MS, which is only an hour from Tuscumbia, AL. We figured it would be easier than eating after picking Luna up.

This is the road up to Candace's house. Windy, hilly and so beautiful.

Here I am with Luna. Such a sweetie!.

And here's Pere meeting her. She's really taken to him.

A quick shot of the daddy, mommy and baby.

Let me say that Candace was great! She explained to us her plans for a new kennel system. This in the middle of her own home repairs after tornado damage last year (no dogs were injured in the storm). All her dogs are just beautiful and seem very happy there on Wagnon Mountain Rd.

Pack up in the car and ready to go.

... and 5 minutes later...ZONKED!!
She was this way in the car the whole way home.

Playing with her toys in the hotel room. We were on the 3rd floor, so she had a lot of experience with the elevator and automatic doors. By the time we left in the morning, they hardly phased her at all.

A quick stop at the Texas welcome center in Texarkana for a photo-op.

And this is her right now, playing with one toy after another under my desk while I work.

More photos can be found here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 weeks old

I just got these pictures yesterday. Luna is now 6 weeks old and got a clean bill of health from the vet, along with her first shots. She's such a pretty puppy and apparently already pretty smart.

Here she is letting one of her brothers get the best of her.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Welcome Luna!

Although she's already over a month old, I wanted to post Luna's baby pics. She was born on June 15, 2009. Here she is (in the middle) with her mommy, Jerica. Here is more info on her parents:

mommy Jerica -
daddy Mikey -

In case you don't know, we are going to be raising Luna, a chocolate lab puppy, over the next year. She go on to be a first responder to secure harbors, airports, and borders, or be involved with emergency response, or disaster search and rescue, or something similar.

The organization running this program is DeminCross - USA, and we are the first Texas family to host a puppy. Luna will arrive in August from a wonderful breeder in Alabama, Wagnon Mountain Kennels. I can hardly wait!

Here are a couple of pics at 5 weeks old: