Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November Update

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. Luna was 50.8 lbs at last weeks visit and she'll turn 5 months on the 15th. In the following photos is how she spends a lot of the weekday: laying on the floor by my desk. Such a goofball!
Here she is at one of the visits to the vet. Tippy went with us that time. She wants Tippy to play with her so badly. Tippy is so beyond that.

How can anyone resist this face??

Here she is with one of the vet nurses. She loves everybody at our Banfield.

This next photo is of "puppy play time" that we have before puppy class to get out all (or at least some) their energy. Nico is in the picture. Luna is one of his many lady admirers.

And finally, this is from last week's graduation. Luna passed with flying colors! We'll start intermediate after the holidays so we don't have to worry about all the weeks of and weird schedules. Our trainer gave us some advice on things to work on until then.