Thursday, August 20, 2009

Alabama and back - 50 hours - 1568.2 miles

Well, we did it! We made it to Alabama and back and Luna is finally home. Aside from an hour delay outside Dallas due to a turned over vehicle, the driving was pretty smoothly.

As you can see, people were standing outside their cars,
trying to get a look. We finally got into Little Rock around 12am.

Here is us going over the Mississippi into Tennessee.
We stopped for a quick lunch in Corinth, MS, which is only an hour from Tuscumbia, AL. We figured it would be easier than eating after picking Luna up.

This is the road up to Candace's house. Windy, hilly and so beautiful.

Here I am with Luna. Such a sweetie!.

And here's Pere meeting her. She's really taken to him.

A quick shot of the daddy, mommy and baby.

Let me say that Candace was great! She explained to us her plans for a new kennel system. This in the middle of her own home repairs after tornado damage last year (no dogs were injured in the storm). All her dogs are just beautiful and seem very happy there on Wagnon Mountain Rd.

Pack up in the car and ready to go.

... and 5 minutes later...ZONKED!!
She was this way in the car the whole way home.

Playing with her toys in the hotel room. We were on the 3rd floor, so she had a lot of experience with the elevator and automatic doors. By the time we left in the morning, they hardly phased her at all.

A quick stop at the Texas welcome center in Texarkana for a photo-op.

And this is her right now, playing with one toy after another under my desk while I work.

More photos can be found here.